完成の暁にはパーテイーもしてDr. Zetlin が光について書いてくれるとのこと、光の人生初めての本格的なお仕事で期待と不安でいっぱいですが、光の成長のまたとないチャンスと思って家族で支えて光にはがんばってもらうつもりです。
Hikaru has received a wonderful invitation. Professor Best at Cal State University, Los Angeles, has invited her to paint a mural on the first floor of the Martin Luther King Hall at Cal State LA. The mural will be part of the building transformation championed by the Dean of the Charter College of Education.
For the past several years, we have been sending Hikaru's art calendars to the teachers, professors, and therapists who have helped in Hikaru's education and personal development. What a pleasant surprise to be invited not by one of her professors, but rather by a colleague of one of her professors who became acquainted with her art.
A celebration will be planned upon completion of the mural. We are both excited and anxious at this tremendous opportunity. Imagine, Hikaru's first commission is to paint a huge mural at Cal State LA, how cool is that?!